Dearest friends from all over the world:
Driven by circumstances regrettably shameful, I address you by this mean to publicly denounce attacks by a certain little group of people through the Internet. Attacks directed toward me, toward the technology which I created and toward some persons around me.
The lack of ethics, responsibility and respect for human life shown by these few individuals, needs to be highlighted. I remained silent for a long time in the hope that they might reflect and correct their wrong behavior. But that has not happened and instead of it, over the time, their distortion and evilness is growing.
These people call themselves protectors of the planet, but they are just the opposite. They are criminals who have sought to destroy me together with all hope that my technology represents and offers to the planet.
Fortunately, they are only very few and well known in the Internet. Their only interest is and has been trying to discredit and destroy me and with it trying to stop my technology.
It is very sad to contemplate how these people with clear bad intentions but not very clear purposes, having a total lack of respect for themselves and others, hold a campaign against me and against people around me, repeating year after year the same incoherent lies rife of turbulent interpretations, trying to sell false images and distortions of the truth.
But the true reality, which concerns so much to me as to those who accompany me always with loyalty and selflessness, is held by itself with the consistent effort we devote to our work, which is translated into concrete and good actions that are seen by all.
The policy of this little group and its leader is that who is not with them or does not serve their narrow interests accepting their malevolent conditions, is destroyed without contemplations. To do this, they use a lot of Blogs on the Internet that plague the Web, copying once and again the same rhetoric twisted and incoherent.
They have reached the nerve to use my name, registering it as their domain ( on the Web. They have been trying to associate my name with their names and malevolent actions. They sell products using my name which I neither recognize nor approve nor know what they are.
They copy and link to their site of Perfect Science and their associated sites, all my original videos which are posted in YouTube. Trying to demonstrate in this way that I am related with them. What a criminals they are.
Even recently they there have dared to put my trademark AyDo on one of their indecent blogs, linking it with their stuff, which sell at excessive prices.
From here I also warn to these criminals that for the unauthorized use of my trademark, they face now legal actions.
I had been recently informed that these people promote conferences in the USA with my alleged presence to ensure attendance, thus asking large sums. They do it without my knowledge or approval. Then at the opening of the conference announce that I cancelled my presence. Are the height of shamelessness, of deception, of evil and lack of respect towards me, toward you all... toward life. Not even respect themselves.
To me respect is a cornerstone that must exist in every human being who wishes to be recognized as such.
I inform to you all that all my lectures are free, not charging anything for it and when I attend them, it is publicly announced in media with interviews done to me. Or, are governmental conferences where each government is responsible for the logistics and so are strictly with official invitation. I also inform you that all my teaching programs are free of charge for all the attendants.
I publicly denounce that everything they published today under the name of Perfect Science and its associated links are only simple manipulations and that I have absolutely nothing to do with those people involved in it either, nor with some kind of stuff they say to produce, nor with their conspirative associations.
I denounce that what they publish are: distortions of true stories, photos stolen from magazines in interviews done to me, some other pictures manipulated by them, events changed from its original context and true reality, in a way that all this fits with the selfish ends they pursue.
Please pay attention to all this information given today and not be fooled. Only with your help of individual awareness, consciously, this farce can be disassembled.
As many of you already know, is not and never has been my policy attacking anyone in particular, nor to invest energy and time in the darkness. And this time I am speaking to you only to warn you about what is happening and has been happening for several years, to alert you and do not be fooled. But, I will not fall in the temptation to mention especific names as this would be against my principles of life.
My energy and my life are dedicated to creating positive and good things for this planet... not to destroy.
I have developed a technology whose aim and purpose is: to help this planet and this present civilization to correct the environmental errors done; to surpass the difficult times we live in; to develop awareness about the responsibility and duty that we all have for loving and caring this common home; to restore the lost harmony and balance between nature and man. That is my truth.
This message had been a response to the thousands who through e-mails, personal interviews, telephone contacts, contacts in one of my many conferences and symposia, all of them have asked me, they have urged me to denounce publicly this embarrassing fact which for years has tried to confuse and destroy.
In closing... to all of you who have managed to see through the veil of deceit woven against me, I wish to convey my respect and consideration.
To all of you... scientists, professors from many universities, world wide governmental representatives with whom I am in close contact, to the users of my technology and its products, to the entire team involved in the production, distribution, or projects, who are my colleagues, friends, companions… my gratitude for your constant effort and positive attitude.
And ... to whom with their steadfastness, loyalty and enthusiasm have been able to support me and give me good reasons to pursue this difficult task that I have imposed onto myself, despite of the many obstacles faced, just... thanks.
And to all of you, my renewed commitment and dedication to see fulfilled the desire of many to live on a planet evolved in every way, in peace and harmony.
Thank you!
August 6th, 2009
7 comentarios:
Thanks to you Mr. Doyuk because finally you decided to tell the truth. We here in Europe know and follow all your work and developments, and we know which is the reality of all this mess from that people in USA, because we read also those blogs totally incoherent, but we needed that you also gives us the force to support you publically as you deserve.
Bravo Mr. Doyuk!!!!
The world was waiting for this letter many years. Many people like me knew that all these folk tales on the perfect science blogs from USA were pure science fiction. Also many people like me had been crooked with those fake products from that people some years ago but we know now which are your real products manufactured in Europe.
God bless you always and may the Truth be revealed to eradicate those criminals from the planet.
Nautilus, I agree with you. But what elese we can do?
I cannot believe that these bandits continue doing all kind of wars agains him and his close persons. Then those who know him very well and knows the truth, must find the way to help.
If you have a suggestion it will be welcome.
Theresa, I believe that the best way is to continue publishing the truth and to know what is happening. Look I found a new blog where a man is posting the real history. He says that he will be posting by chapters. I only hope that he can be capable to publish everything before he dissapear or somebody makes him "dissapear".
I will find the url and I will post it here.
All this is good if the people do something like positive things for this planet. I don't believe that somebody alone can change the world. But I believe that all together can do it, ... well if not all at least a good number of us.
And I also believe that the ones who believe all the stories published in other blogs against this man and his people is because they are also part of the ones who are not on the right side, because it is really incredible how somebody can even pay atention to all that stupid stories. Don't you think that all that misinformation is only part of a very articulated plan to stop this man Ayhan Doyuk?
As I promised you here is the URL for the blog I mentioned.
Hi! My name is Agnes and I'm from Poland. When You're looking for information about Ayhan Doyuk, You can find abusive websites. Here, in Poland, some people want to stop Ayhan Doyuk work, base on credulous of people who doesn't know foreign languages, looking for information find their website. That why I decided to publish some true information about them, in polish and english. This is the best way to stop this crooks from USA- to fight with their own wepon.
I'm inviting you to check my website:
Best regards
Agnes Kowal
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